Why You Should Visit

We take our vision seriously, using a two-pronged approach to ministry. First, we seek to know Jesus better by the faithful expository (actual meaning & application) preaching of the Word of God, which includes in-depth teaching on various biblical texts and theological subjects. Second, making Christ known to those who do not know Him is what shapes all of our interactions with the community. This is being missional: deliberately and strategically approaching every encounter in each day with the attitude that a searching soul may come to new life because of our words, actions, and love, all driven by Christ who sends us.

Being outwardly focused in serving and Christ-focused in worship are important to us. Christ is the head of this church, and it is to Him we owe all honor, glory, praise, and thanks. Because of what Jesus did for us at the cross, we strive to ‘be’ Jesus to everyone, without prejudging. It is the church’s job to carry out the Great Commission, to go out to all the world with the life changing message of the gospel of Jesus Christ, baptizing, and teaching. The church cannot sit back and wait for the lost world to come through our doors; our message and our lives must be attractive things that will draw people to Christ. Discipleship is fundamental and involves much more than simply attending church. Every sermon will include a clear presentation of the path to salvation, a focused exposition of a selected Bible text, and a clear life application. A big part of discipleship involves our Connection Groups (small groups) which meet in local homes. Here Christian community is built and relationships flourish as we learn about God’s Word together.

Cornerstone Church of Eastport is not sitting still waiting around for Christ’s return. It is critical that we be found obedient when He comes. If you are looking for a church home that is serious about the preaching and teaching of God’s Word, dedicated to spreading the gospel, and surrendered to worship, love, and service, then come visit or email Pastor Russ if you have questions. His email address is samtuchief@gmail.com.

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